Trainings Provided

Mental Health First Aid

MHFA is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.

Military Culture Competency

Develop a better understanding about how the military works and who comprises the armed forces. Receive an overview of military culture to include basics about its history, core values, branches of the service, as well as the differences between the active and reserve components.

Acquire greater competency in working with Service members and Veterans by learning military culture and terminology, and by discussing how aspects of the military culture impact behaviors and perspectives.

CALM (Counseling on Access of Lethal Means)

Reducing access to lethal means, such as firearms and medication, can determine whether a person at risk for suicide lives or dies.

It covers how to:

(1) identify people who could benefit from lethal means counseling

(2) ask about their access to lethal methods

(3) work with them—and their families—to reduce access.

AS+K? (Ask About Suicide to Save a Life)

Receive an overview of suicide and suicidal behavior, including risk and protective factors.

Learn to recognize warning signs—behaviors and characteristics that might indicate elevated risk for suicidal behavior—and the initial intervention steps  to support a person they think might be at risk for suicide.

S.A.V.E. Training

Help you act with care and compassion if you encounter a Veteran who is in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts.

S- signs of suicidal thinking should be recognized

A- ask the most important question of all

V- validate the Veteran’s experience

E- encourage treatment and Expedite getting help

This training is in collaboration with the VA.


Parent Cafes

Safe spaces for parents and caregivers to relax, reflect, and talk about the joys and challenges of raising a family.

Judgement free zone where we can share experiences and resources, while learning from one another.


If you are interested in taking one of our FREE classes please call the MVPN at (915) 319-3811 to register.

For more information on the trainings please email: